Metro eGuide® Community Profiles
“Local Community and School Information for Real Estate Websites”

Local Community Content for Real Estate Websites
You Need Local Community and School Information on Your Real Estate Website
Real Estate buyers expect local information on Real Estate websites.
Out of town buyers require local community and school information.

Local Links are the Best Way to Provide Local Community Content
Local Link Directories are the Best Way to Provide Local Community and School Information
What are Local Link Directories?
Local Link directories are lists of links (Internet shortcuts) to websites that are relevant to a local community. These local websites help the buyer do detailed research about the community and the schools.
Other local resources are useful to the buyer only one time.
Videos, text profiles and demographic data are likely to only provide a fraction of the information a buyer is seeking. The information provided can be assimilated in one visit and does not compel the buyer to return.

Metro eGuide® Community Profiles are the Best Way to Provide Local Link Directories
Metro eGuide Community Profiles
Metro eGuide Community Profiles Have Links to the Best Local  Websites
Local links by category.
Each Metro eGuide Community Profile contains local linked websites that are categorized by community, county, schools, local news and state.
We search for the best information.
Our experienced trained search specialists scour the Internet to find the best and most relevant websites for each category
Deep Linking.
Most local link directories link to a website's home page and expect the buyer to search the website to find the relevant information. Often the information is buried deep in the website and finding it is very difficult. In contrast we dig deep into the website to find the most relevant information page and link directly to that information page. When your buyer uses our links they get the information they want immediately. This increases buyer satisfaction and saves them time.
Metro eGuide Community Profiles are Reliable and Safe
Our Links are Up to Date & Accurate.
Every local website directory must be constantly managed to make sure the links work and the linked websites are delivering the expected content. All websites are in constant flux. Websites may have content changes, purpose changes, server changes, web pages deleted and some are shut down. What all this means is that a good link today may not be a good link tomorrow. Using our proprietary link maintenance tools our link management staff checks every link in our database every three days. As a result our local website links work, are always up to date and accurate
Our Links are Safe
All our linked websites are regularly viewed by our staff for correct and safe content. All our linked websites are run through McAfee Site Advisor to protect against viruses.
Metro eGuide Community Profiles Work 99.99% of the Time
The mantra of web site visitors is I want what I want and I want it now. When a web page does not work most visitors don’t retry. Instead, they go to a search engine. Once they have left your site it is hard to get them back. Metro eGuide Community Profiles are hosted on Amazon Web Services Cloud Servers and maintain a 99.99% up time.  
Metro eGuide Community Profiles are User Friendly
A simple presentation.
The buyer is presented with a community profile on a single web page. The page is simple, clean, uncluttered and easy to read. The page has no ads, pop-ups or unnecessary distractions. The page works well on full sized screens and tablets. Smart phone optimization is available for mobile websites.
Compelling content.
Each profile page contains local links categorized by community, county, schools, news and state. A brief description from Wikipedia is displayed along with local weather. Google Local Search - Allows buyer to search only the websites listed on the Metro eGuide community profile page that they are on. They can quickly dig deeper into our best local websites for more information relevant to their needs.

The Metro eGuide® Community Profiles Widget is Easy to Add to Any Website
The Widget*
Using your website template, create a new web page and insert two lines of our HTML widget code. The process is designed to be simple, require minimal programming time and webmaster cost. The widget may be placed anywhere on your website with no limit on the number of placements. The widget can be used as general community information as well as specific community information for specific listings. Each Metro eGuide widget contains all the community profiles you order. Maximum of 100 community profiles per widget. The widget may be used on only one website domain.

The widget itself will not improve your SEO or hurt it. We will give you tips to help your SEO on the pages containing the widget.
*Widget - A Widget is a small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web page.
Coldwell Banker Success Website with Metro eGuide Community Profiles

The Metro eGuide® Smart Phone Community Profiles are Easy to Add to Any Mobile Website or Mobile App
Smart Phone Community Profiles
Metro eGuide can be easily added to your mobile website or app just by linking to our Smart Phone Community Profiles. Each Smart Phone profile contains the same information as the Metro eGuide full sized profile except it is optimized to fit on a small screen.
Smart Phone community profiles contain all the communities that you feature in your Metro eGuide widget. The Metro eGuide Smart Phone pages are only available with the purchase of the Metro eGuide widget. The Smart Phone community profiles may only be used on one mobile website or related app.
Metro eGuide Community Profiles on Smart Phone

Add a Metro eGuide® Community Profile
to your Website
for as Little as $15 per month

Please contact us for additional information

JetNett Corporation Serving the Real Estate Industry Since 1998
2836 County Rd MM
Madison, WI 53711